Monsters & Myopia: Gaining clarity on eyesight in sleep paralysis
While wrestling with a nasty bit of insomnia last night (which began, naturally, during the witching hour of 3:00 a.m.), my mind decided...

Faerie-fidelity: Cinema's most accurate depiction of the Good Folk
As a 30-year old man with a (mildly embarrassing) obsession with (folklore-accurate depictions of) faeries, you can imagine my excitement...

The 3:00 a.m. question—and an electric answer?
Last week's podcast over at Mysterious Universe features a great interview with Clark Strand, author of Waking Up to the Dark: Ancient...

Appearance on Binnall of America
I had the distinct pleasure of appearing on one of my favorite radio programs last night, Tim Binnall's aptly named Binnall of America. I...