"Before Boarding, Please Wait for the Bandwagon to Come to a Complete Stop”
- OR - The Problematic Politics Pertaining to Popularizing Paranormal Positions With apologies to Laura Krantz As mysteries become...
An Ode to Skepticism: Elder Gods of the Gaps
Could you measure the tidal flow of Sydney's harbour mouth in your kitchen sink? With the right (expensive) equipment, you could...
The Faerie Blast: An Analogue for Alien Implants?
Blast. Blustery. Blister. The words all share the same Germanic root. In my latest book, Thieves in the Night, I speak at great length...
REVIEW: "Magical Folk: British & Irish Fairies – 500 AD to the Present"
Compared to other anomalous subjects, faerie lore is underserved in the modern book market. For this reason alone, the release of Magical...
KINDLE edition of THIEVES IN THE NIGHT now available
A brief note from the road to let everyone know the Kindle edition of Thieves in the Night is now available here from Amazon! Expect me...
UPDATE: While it's a nice problem to have, the high demand for Thieves in the Night has led to some supply issues at Amazon. Because of...
Hey y'all. Just a quick heads-up that while my third book won't be published until the end of this summer, the third volume in David...
In for a Penny, In for a Pound: Moving Ufology Beyond Materialism
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was honored to have this essay included in last year's collection from Robbie Graham, UFOs: Reframing the Debate. Now...
"Render Unto Caesar": Possible Alternative Motivations Behind Government UFO (& Bigfoo
Why won’t they just admit it? It’s a question as old as Ufology itself, stretching all the way back to the alleged 1958 censoring of...
Louie, King of the Ebu Gogo
"Oh, oobee doo / I wanna be like you / I wanna walk like you / Talk like you, too / You'll see it's true / An ape like me / Can learn to...