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Hello, big, beautiful world

Well, it's finally happened—I have a website dedicated to me. ME! And me alone.

I've always been afraid that starting my own blog might be misconstrued as as a bit of navel-gazing on my part, but recent events (read: the release of A Trojan Feast) have made it clear that having a web hub for All Things Joshua Cutchin was pretty much a necessity.

So, what to expect here?


  • News about upcoming books, performances, radio appearances, etc.;

  • Updates on important life events


  • My thoughts on the unexplained, particularly aliens, faeries, Sasquatch, etc.;

  • Fortean news;

  • Things I find funny or astounding on the internet;

  • Musings on motion pictures, books, and other media


  • Petitions to bring back Crystal Pepsi;

  • Photoshops of Luke Skywalker with Nicki Minaj;

  • An online store for purchasing screen print t-shirts of Peter Coyote's eyebrows;

  • Political commentary;

  • Lutefisk recipes;

  • Self respect;

  • Self aggrandizement;

  • Self mutilation;

  • Selfies;

  • Selfies with camels;

  • Nude selfies

That's about it for today. Thanks for dropping by, friend!



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For podcast interviews, please first consult my policies page.

Photo by Nicole Eason


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free to send an email directly to

Thanks for reaching out to me! You should hear something from me soon, provided I'm not out-of-town, bleeding, or on fire.

A Trojan Feast

Can small, almost mundane details in accounts of anomalous events—be it encounters with UFO entities, faeries, or Sasquatch—reveal anything valuable about the nature of these unusual events?

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